Docker containers are lightweight and portable, making them a great tool for running applications in your homelab. A Raspberry Pi is an ideal low-cost, low-power device for hosting Docker containers. This guide will walk you through setting up Docker on a Raspberry Pi and deploying your first container.
What You’ll Need A Raspberry Pi (recommended: Raspberry Pi 3, 4, or newer). MicroSD card with Raspberry Pi OS Lite installed. A stable internet connection. Basic knowledge of Linux commands. Step 1: Update and Prepare Your Raspberry Pi Log into your Raspberry Pi via SSH: ssh pi@<raspberry_pi_ip_address> Update and upgrade the system packages: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y Install prerequisite packages: sudo apt install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common Step 2: Install Docker on the Raspberry Pi Download the official Docker installation script: curl -fsSL -o Run the installation script: sudo sh Add your user to the docker group (replace pi with your username if different): sudo usermod -aG docker pi Log out and back in to apply the changes.