What You’ll Need

  • A server or virtual machine with Docker installed.
  • Basic understanding of networking and file permissions.
  • An SSH client for testing SFTP connections.

Step 1: Install Docker (If Not Installed)

  1. Update the system packages:

    sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
  2. Install Docker:

    sudo apt install -y docker.io
  3. Enable and start Docker:

    sudo systemctl enable docker && sudo systemctl start docker

Step 2: Set Up the SFTP Directory

  1. Create a directory structure for SFTP users:

    mkdir -p ~/sftp/shared
    mkdir -p ~/sftp/user1
  2. Set the appropriate permissions:

    chmod 700 ~/sftp/user1
    chmod 755 ~/sftp/shared

Step 3: Deploy the SFTP Server Using Docker

  1. Pull the SFTP Docker image:

    docker pull atmoz/sftp
  2. Run the SFTP container:

    docker run -d --name sftp-server \
      -p 2222:22 \
      -v ~/sftp:/home \
      atmoz/sftp \
    • Replace user1 and password with your desired username and password.
    • 1001 represents the user’s UID.
  3. Verify the container is running:

    docker ps

Step 4: Test the SFTP Server

  1. Connect to the server using an SFTP client:

    sftp -P 2222 user1@<server_ip>
  2. Navigate to the home directory:

    cd /home/user1
  3. Upload and download files to test functionality:

    put testfile.txt
    get testfile.txt

Step 5: Configure Additional Users

  1. Stop the SFTP container:

    docker stop sftp-server
  2. Edit the docker run command to add more users:

    docker run -d --name sftp-server \
      -p 2222:22 \
      -v ~/sftp:/home \
      atmoz/sftp \
      user1:password:1001 \
    • Replace user2 and 1002 with the new user’s details.
  3. Restart the container:

    docker start sftp-server

Step 6: Secure Your SFTP Server

  1. Change the default password for users regularly:

    • Stop the container, modify the run command, and restart.
  2. Limit external access to SFTP:

    • Configure your firewall to allow only specific IPs to connect to port 2222.
  3. Monitor container logs for suspicious activity:

    docker logs sftp-server


Q: Can I use a different port for SFTP?
A: Yes, change -p 2222:22 to another port (e.g., -p 2223:22).

Q: How do I add more shared directories?
A: Bind additional host directories to the container:
bash docker run -d --name sftp-server \ -p 2222:22 \ -v ~/sftp:/home \ -v ~/additional:/additional \ atmoz/sftp

Q: Is password-based authentication secure for SFTP?
A: It’s secure if you use strong passwords, but SSH key-based authentication is recommended for better security.

Q: How do I back up user data?
A: Use tar or rsync to back up the ~/sftp directory:
bash tar -czvf sftp-backup.tar.gz ~/sftp

Q: Can I restrict users to their home directories?
A: Yes, the Docker image automatically restricts users to their specified home directories.

Q: How do I update the SFTP server?
A: Pull the latest image and recreate the container:
bash docker pull atmoz/sftp docker stop sftp-server docker rm sftp-server docker run -d --name sftp-server \ -p 2222:22 \ -v ~/sftp:/home \ atmoz/sftp

Q: Can I use SFTP without Docker?
A: Yes, you can set up SFTP natively with OpenSSH, but Docker simplifies deployment and management.

By deploying an SFTP server with Docker, you can create a secure and efficient file transfer system for your homelab. Enjoy fast, private, and flexible file sharing!